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Monday, November 8, 2010

Word&Image #2: Typography Is..

"Type well used is invisible as type."

- Beatrice Warde


If I was challenged to choose the perfect example of interaction between word and image, it would, hands down, be some form of typography. The concept itself is a combination of "typo," meaning "mark," and "graphy," meaning "to draw." 

Typography is everywhere. It is simply the arrangement of type, whether it appears on an advertisement, the cover of a book, or a website banner. However, there are some "genres" of typography that focus simply on having type be the medium through which art and design are expressed. The type not only serves its purpose to convey a message.. it can be appreciated just the same as any other graphic or illustration.

And what better typography is there than that whose subject is typography itself?

This poster, of which only 100 were hand-printed, highlights the very structure of type in a clearly constructed, simple-to-follow poster of character anatomy. The detail with which each letter was formed is immense: not a single dot missing or dent out of place. 

Each piece is clearly labeled with small red print that is easy to read, as well as color-coded in red so there is no ambiguity about what's what. 

Although the individual pieces of the puzzle are formed from recognizable letters and lines, the whole poster is a working image in its own right. It is aesthetically pleasing, whether or not the viewer can read the words. This is the beauty of typography -- even if you can't understand the language, the words can still be seen as something to view and enjoy.


Interested in more posters like this one? Visit FPO: For Print Only at http://www.underconsideration.com/fpo.

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