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Monday, November 1, 2010

Bang Bang, You're Dead

"What works good is better than what looks good, because what works good lasts."

- Anonymous


As little as we think about it in our everyday lives, the world around us is dominated by mass-produced, factory-made objects that are chugged out by the thousands every second. This type of industrial design is critical to any society; every moment, designers strive to make the next big thing better, sleeker, cleaner, easier to use. From iPods to cars to shovels, every piece manufactured can be fitted for its purpose.

However, this goal doesn't just take place in civilian society. Take the AK-47, for instance.

This assault rifle is the iPod of the military world -- more AK-47s have been produced than all other assault rifles combined.

Compared to guns that are made entirely out of metal, the wooden pistol grip, handguard, and stock make it light and highly durable, as well as cheaper to produce. With a full magazine, the gun weighs in at a mere 4.8 kg, and without, only 4.3. The magazine also serves as a stabilizer during combat, in combination with the broad end of the stock, to improve accuracy.

In terms of coloration, the dark brown of the wood and gunmetal gray of the other parts enhance the gun's ability to camouflage during combat. Viewed from the top, the AK-47 is symmetrical, but even the side view feels balanced because the small black bore is bolder and thus visually heavier in color than the brown stock, which is visually dominant in terms of volume. Edges and surfaces of the wooden pieces are slightly discolored and darker, giving a burnt, vintage feel to a gun that debuted in the early 1900s. The curvilinear design of the magazine, set slightly off to the back, flows towards the front of the gun, which also provides a sense of balance. The gradual narrowing of the entire gun from back to front forms an implied point, which implies accuracy and speed; the smoothed edges also give a sense of speed and flow.

The average soldier may not put much thought into examining the details of his weapon, especially when putting it to use. Although a gun is built primarily to fit its purpose, aesthetics do come into play, just as with any other product on the market. To what extent? Not too large, but as far as design is concerned, the AK-47 is still one of the best.


Sources: http://science.howstuffworks.com/machine-gun.htm/printable, http://www.ak-47.us/AK-47info.php, http://firearms.atactv.com/userfiles/image/AK%20Dis%282%29.jpg.

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